Category: Marketing

Come ridurre le commissioni delle OTA senza perdere prenotazioni

Nell’era digitale, le OTA (Online Travel Agencies) come e Expedia dominano il panorama delle prenotazioni alberghiere. Le loro proposte sono vaste e convenienti, attirando la maggior parte dei viaggiatori. Tuttavia, per gli albergatori, il rapporto con le OTA rappresenta un vero e proprio dilemma. Mentre offrono visibilità e prenotazioni,

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How to manage fake or misleading reviews for a hotel.

Online reviews have become an important part of the hotel booking experience. Users increasingly rely on the opinions of others to decide where to stay during their travels. However, not all reviews that users read are genuine. Fake or misleading reviews can be harmful to a hotel’s reputation and negatively

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Here’s how to promote your hotel on Instagram with Ads

How to use paid advertisements on Instagram to promote your hotel Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over a billion active users per month. For this reason, it’s a great choice to promote your hotel and reach new potential customers. An effective

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Tips for Choosing an Influencer for Your Hotel

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your hotel. With billions of active users on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, there are many opportunities to reach new customers and increase the visibility of your brand. One of the most effective ways to do this is to use influencers.

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Your hotel on TikTok for younger people?

How to use TikTok campaigns to promote your hotel to a young audience TikTok is a rapidly growing social media platform, especially among young people. With over 1 billion monthly active users, TikTok has become one of the main marketing channels for businesses looking to reach a younger audience. In

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Promote your hotel with Pinterest

How to use Pinterest campaigns to promote your hotel Pinterest is a social platform that allows you to share and discover ideas for home, fashion, work, travel, and much more. With over 250 million monthly active users, it can be a great opportunity to promote your hotel and attract new

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Promote your hotel on Twitter. Best practices.

Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to share 280-character text messages, called “tweets,” with their followers. The platform was founded in 2006 and currently has over 330 million monthly active users. According to a recent Hootsuite study, 53% of Twitter users use the platform to follow the

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Hotel Business? Discover LinkedIn Ads for Business Travelers.

LinkedIn is one of the most used social media platforms for promoting businesses, especially for companies wanting to reach professionals traveling for work. If you manage a hotel, you can use paid advertisements on LinkedIn to promote your property to a targeted audience of business travelers. In this article, we

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Use of images in promoting a hotel on social media

Social media represents an important platform for promoting a hotel business, particularly when it comes to a hotel property. Images play a crucial role in promoting a hotel on social media. By using captivating and well-chosen images, a hotel can create a strong visual presence on social media and attract

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